Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just in case you don't understand what my blog is about ;)

Everyday i'll have new posts for you!
New ideas to throw the best party in your area. I'll show you the basics from.. Organizing your home or party environment to Cleaning up The mess ( inevitable ending to a kick ass party, unless all your friends are neat freaks! ).
now this isn't a step by step guide... sorry to disappoint. Theres a lot to it so don't expect to be throwing the best parties right away. takes some effort. but you'll definitely learn how to make some profit off your parties $$ thats a plus! What to wear, giving off good vibes, finding the right dj, building connections, what music to play, drink mixes, games,tips.. ect.
(I'll also be sharing my mixes and my life, just a heads up..This is MY blog after all :) but what matters the most is my viewers...YOU! )

Just stay with me, overtime I'm sure you'll get the big picture! hopefully if you stick with me, you'll be throwing the best parties without my help!

FYI- I am pursuing a business degree, and one day I hope to become a successful entrepreneur. My dream would be to own my own signature line of clubs. But for now I'm just producing and DJing. As I learn and develop my skills I will share them with you here! so like I said before, stay up to date and hell, you'll most likely learn more than just a thing or two that you can use to your advantage ;)


Sunday, February 20, 2011

You want a club like feel to your party?

Getting that club like feel isn't too hard. Just costs a little bit of money, but in the end it's really worth it! ( if you read my last post you should be familiar with how to make some money. so if you don't have money give that a try )

so what do clubs have that my home probably doesn't have?

1- A bar.
2- Lights. ( not talking about regular house lights, you'll understand later on)
3- A DJ.
4- Bouncers/ security
5- Bumpin Sound system.
6- Sound Proofing.
7- Dance Floor.

now thats just a list of the obvious. But we'll go off those for now.

I'll start with the easiest and work up to the most difficult.


Depending on the quantity and quality, the lights will be the easiest to get. Once you have them, they're yours forever. Now when i say lights I'm talking about LIGHTS. Yea, you could go basic and use colored Christmas lights and tape them around the perimeter of your ceiling. You could even buy small strobe lights for cheap and use those. But in the end... Those get old very quick. ( If you choose to use Christmas lights, i'd advise getting neon blue, green, or look for special ones. Such as chili pepper lights, ext. )

Heres a photo of what you should get... Laster lights/ rotating lights.

Now you may be thinking, " That will cost me way to much money. "

You can find cheap laser lights, rotating lights, ext. Use,, or some of the following websites that I've Posted just for you.


Thats just to name a few good websites. Know of any better sites? feel free to comment and share it with us!


This could be very costly. But once again, once you have your sound system it's yours forever as long as you take care of them. Try your best to avoid cranking them up and blowing the bass!

now if you have a nice sound system, it will make a DJ's job a little easier. All the DJ will need to bring is his/her tables, mixer, and laptop along with a few wires. and usually all that will fit into 1 or 2 bags.

Onto deciding what kind of speakers you might want. Theres hundreds of brands to choose from, i'll try and break it down to types and portability, ext.

Depending on your home/ party environment you have to make a few decisions. (Ignoring sound quality)

1. Do you want them mounted on your wall around the house? (cant move without tools)

2. Do you want tall speakers that rest on the floor? (can get knocked over)

3. Do you want speakers that will rest on a stand? (they are heavy, portable, but take up space)

4. Do you want Speakers that can basically fit anywhere? (large variety. I'd go with studio monitors)

Those are the basic types.
Now onto deciding where to buy them. You could go to your local Bestbuy or guitar center.
There you will be able to get hands on and almost 100% of the time someone in the store will help you with your purchase and should be an expert. But those stores wont have everything!
Theres tons and tons of websites that have large varieties of Amazing speakers for you to choose from. Hers a few!

1- ProAudioStar (one of my favorites)
2- Musicians Friend
3- Guitar Center
4- Planet DJ
5- CrutchField

All those sites together should pretty much have everything you need from hi end sounds to booming bass. A few key words to look for (Besides Speakers) while on their websites would be PA speakers, sub woofer, studio monitor, floor speaker, and i'll throw in one more, outdoor speakers (Just in case you want to take the party outside).

Now you can determine the quality you desire. A forum post you might want to look at. ( it starts by someone asking how to find good quality speakers, and its explained perfectly by the responders.) hope it helps!

Do I know if my speakers will sound good?

Stay up to date for part 2 of this post!


Friday, February 18, 2011

So you're having a party and you want to make some cash?

Quickest and easiest way to make money off a party is... Charge people to get in!
simple as that..not quite, if your trying to make big money.

Heres a few things you might want to consider before trying to charge at the door.

1- how many people can fit? 10, 20, 50?
*If your home is not that big, do not charge at the door! no one will enjoy it, they will think it's a waste of their money and probably wont come to any of your next parties.
So what can you do?
Throw the party somewhere else! you have friends right? ( if your answer was no, or not that have a lot of work ahead of you).

People need space! it's a must for a successful party. Ask a friend if you can do it at his house, split the profits.

2- Connections!!

I cant stress that enough, connections, connections, CONNECTIONS!
If you don't have the right connections, don't expect a kick ass party. Now if you don't have any connections, don't trip about it. I'm sure your friends know people, and if they don't, your friends, friends know people for sure! use that to your advantage.

So, right now you know 2 basic things. 1 - Size. and 2- connections. How do these two go together?

The more connections you have, the more people you can get to show up. the bigger the house the more people can fit. the more people you have the more money you end up with! $$$ CHA-CHING! $$$

Lets do some math. say, Friday night rolls around. For the last week you have been setting up this party. People know about it and 50-100 people are supposed to show up.

You decide to charge people $5.00 at the door. 75 show, you now have $375.00.

now lets get more technical with it. Heres how you can make more money and still get people to come back every time you decide to throw a party.

The basics should be in the back of your head now. Thats just common sense. To really throw something special and profit a lot more you'll need to beef up the perks of your party. Get your name out there. Have people say " (your name) Throws the dankest parties, did you hear he had _______ and ______ at his last party. i cant wait for another one. " ( a little exaggerated, but you get the picture).

1- do you have a friend that DJ's?
2- have you saved your profit from previous parties and loaded up on drinks? can i say open bar?!
3- do you have light systems? Club like house party, always the best!
4- do you know any friends in a band? live performances
5- do you own a pool?

I think you get the idea. so if you have 2-3 of these, you should be able to get away with charging $10 dollars at the door and no complaints.

Back to the math. now that you have all these perks. your expecting 100-200 to show. I mean, who's going to want to miss this?
150 people show up and you charged $10.00 at the door. you now have $1,500.00!!
You are now the shit.

So your having a party every weekend making an average of $1,500.00 per weekend. thats $6,000.00 dollars a month. Most likely you have a job ( keep your day job ). Say you get a check for $450.00 every 2 weeks. Thats almost $7,000.00 a month just for throwing parties. now a year with non stop parties like that. Your annual should be around $84,000.00. Now thats if your dedicated!

Want more tips and advice? keep updated. I'll get into more detail later, such as, how to find the right DJ, what music to play, how to set up lights, convincing people to use their homes ;) and so on.

Blackout Zombie.